Hiring a Limo Company: Top 10 Questions to Ask

July 30, 2015

A wedding. A luxurious date. An extravagant night out on the town. Whatever reasons you might have for getting a limousine, you know you’ll want to get the best model and the best chauffeur. But at the same time, you also don’t want to go over your budget. So how do you figure out which limo service to hire? Ask these 10 questions.

1.What licenses do you hold?

Every transportation company is legally obliged to get the appropriate license. In addition to a DMV license for operating as a limousine service, the limo company, New Jersey consumers should know, should have NJ business registration, a municipal license, and other pertinent documents.

2. Do you have insurance?

Limo services, as well as other transportation providers, should have an insurance policy; in NJ, it’s usually in the sum of $1.5 million — so you’re covered should anything unfortunate happen. You can ask to see the license to operate, which should bear the insurance company, the number, and date of expiration.

3.How do you screen your drivers?

Chauffeurs or limo drivers should have the necessary license from the DMV. He should have undergone a criminal background check and passed a drug test. Essentially, the driver should have been vetted before being hired.

4. Are your drivers employees or contractors?

Some limo companies might hire outside contractors to meet demands during busier seasons. In some cases, contractors might not go through the same rigorous screening process as employed chauffeurs. So you might not receive the same care from contractors as you would from full-time drivers.

5.Could I take a look at the limousines from your fleet?

Naturally, you can ask the year and model of the vehicles you may be considering. But there is still no substitute for an up-close look. So arrange to view the limo before you rent it. You’ll want to check the condition of the limo, from the inside out. Also, check for a first aid kit and a working fire extinguisher.

6.What is the maximum seating capacity for certain limos?

Every limo has a maximum seating capacity to ensure your comfort and safety. A limo company that strictly follows seating capacity per limo values your enjoyment and security.

7.How do you maintain your limousines?

It’s important to know that the limo service implements a maintenance program for every vehicle in its fleet. And that it runs a thorough check an hour or two before the limo is sent to your location.

8.What will the limo rate cover?

Know what you have to pay for when you rent a limo. Make sure that you get an itemized list: fuel cost, parking, toll fees, and driver gratuities.

9.What happens when the limo I’m renting breaks down?

Even when vehicles have been checked, accidents will still happen. So you’ll want to know if the limo company is prepared for any and all eventualities. Can the company send a replacement limo as soon as possible? Or will it send a mechanic to your location?

10. What is your policy for cancellations?

Finally, be aware of what you’ll be liable for when you suddenly have a change in your schedule. If you have to cancel a limo service for whatever reason, you need to know whether you’ll be charged the hourly minimum or whether youhave to pay for fuel and driver gratuity.